Terme di Caracalla, via Valle delle Camene, Rome, Italy
mercoledì 28 dicembre 2011 - 1.00 fino a 13.00
Nel cuore della Roma antica, alle tende degli Indignati, presento un ciclo di workshop, aperto ad artisti e non, che si terrà nel 2012 in varie regioni d'Italia.
In ogni incontro i partecipanti, invitati a "pensare come artisti", produrranno idee che verranno poi donate ad artisti affermati (le opere eventualmente realizzate da questi ultimi dovranno riportare un courtesy ai donatori).
Sarà inoltre data attenzione alla psicologia dell'artista, in particolare alle motivazioni che lo sostengono nella ricerca, tanto alla luce della necessità di creare arte, quanto del bisogno di creare relazioni che diano senso all'opera. Un altro aspetto, infine, riguarderà i miti, gli abbagli e le distorsioni del sistema dell'arte, quella Fata Morgana che contribuisce a generare la Sindrome dell'artista, condizione ambivalente e paradossale di devianza che nutre sogni ed ambizioni.
In the heart of ancient Rome, Indignant of the tents, I present a series of workshops, open to artists and not to be held in 2012 in various regions of Italy.
In each meeting, the participants were invited to "think like artists," will produce ideas that will be donated to established artists (possibly made by these works will have to return a courtesy to donors).
It will also be given attention to the psychology of the artist, in particular the reasons supporting it in research, both in the light of the need to create art, because of the need to build relationships that give meaning to the work. Another aspect, then, will cover the myths, blunders and distortions of the art system, the Fata Morgana, which helps to create the artist's Syndrome, a condition ambivalent and paradoxical deviance that nurtures dreams and ambitions.
In the heart of ancient Rome, Indignant of the tents, I present a series of workshops, open to artists and not to be held in 2012 in various regions of Italy.
In each meeting, the participants were invited to "think like artists," will produce ideas that will be donated to established artists (possibly made by these works will have to return a courtesy to donors).
It will also be given attention to the psychology of the artist, in particular the reasons supporting it in research, both in the light of the need to create art, because of the need to build relationships that give meaning to the work. Another aspect, then, will cover the myths, blunders and distortions of the art system, the Fata Morgana, which helps to create the artist's Syndrome, a condition ambivalent and paradoxical deviance that nurtures dreams and ambitions.